A long overdue visit to Borland fishery by Cumnock, East Ayrshire. 23/08/23
As we move later into a somewhat “funny” summer in regards to trout fishing I decided to visit one of my regular haunts for fishery stocked rainbow trout, Borland fishery by Cumnock in East Ayrshire. After focusing much of the early to mid part of the year on the rivers for wild fish, I fancied having a go at the rainbow trout.
Once greeted by the resident geese, I got setup with my two 10ft 7 wt rods deciding to opt for a hover line/lure setup on one and floater/washing line setup with the other. Its coming to that time of year where the daddy long legs are making an appearance and, once blown onto the water, trout can look up and start to feed on them.
I decided to use a washing line setup with a foam daddy on the point and a nymph and a spider on the droppers. I picked up a few fish in the morning on both the lure and washing line setups, but after lunch things quietened down with the fish seeming to be more selective with their feeding patterns. I changed to a small size 18 midge pattern and had a few frustrating misses that took me to the end of the day.
All in all it was great to be back at Borland, its a great venue providing fantastic value for money. The vlog footage of the session can be found below.
Tight Lines!